Finally Completing My Presidential Scholarship Project!

May 27, 2018 William No comments exist

“While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.”

Henry C. Link

  This blog represents the closing of not only my Presidential Scholarship Project, but also of my collegiate career! In this post, I talk about my various presentations this last semester and wrap up my thoughts on the project and my time in college. Enjoy!  


  On April 6th 2018, I competed in the CSUNposium, a research and creative project conference. I entered the event in the three-minute oral presentation category.  I presented my project that I had been working on for the presidential scholarship. When I entered the competition, I thought that three minutes would be easy! It was not. Condensing a year-long project into a clear and coherent presentation was a challenge!   When I first started working on my presentation, I wrote out what I wanted to say on a word document. After doing this, I read it out loud. It came out to be about 10 minutes! I had to really cut down what I was going to say but still retain my core points. This presentation was a real challenge in selecting the necessary information and weeding out the secondary info. I struggled with trying to pare down this project I had spent my year doing. I had put so much work into it and it felt like three minutes was not doing justice to my project. However, I managed to bring the presentation down. I highlighted the background, methods, results, and future of the project.    So, the presentation was ready, all that was left was to present it. Even though it wasn’t required, I memorized my presentation. I wanted to be able to connect with the audience and judges and not to be buried in my notes. I was ready to present. In the category I was competing in, I was first to present, which was not my desired choice. However, I presented with energy and enthusiasm! I presented my project in a way that captured the magic of my project still being under 3 minutes. Despite being a person that is very hard on themselves, I was very proud of this presentation. It reminded me of the skills I have learned at CSUN. I have gained confidence and have completed significant projects.   I sat down back in my seat. I listened to the other presentations. I thought back to how I felt this past year. Every opportunity that the Presidential Scholarship has offered me has been plagued with my own self-doubt. I constantly question my place among the other academics. I always feel awkward about being the only music student. I felt out of place. I have been the only music student in these types of events and opportunities. I wonder about how I match up with these psychology, biology, math, engineering students etc. However, this year has taught me to be confident in my talents and skills. Yes, I was the only music student at the CSUNposium this yes, but I excel at what I do and bring a different perspective to the event. I also found out that I won my category! I need to not doubt myself just because I am a different major than the rest.   The CSUNposium was a fantastic opportunity to present my project to an audience and judges. Even if I didn’t win, the event was a great chance to build a presentation and think critically about how to communicate effectively. This year has been a whirlwind and I am thankful for the opportunities that CSUN and the Presidential Scholarship has afforded me.  

Presidential Scholars Exhibit

  On Friday April 20th, I had the chance to participate in the final event for the Presidential Scholarship, the Presidential Scholars Exhibit. This presentation was held for the ten Presidential Scholars to show their projects and display what they had been working on for the last year. The event was also a chance to present for the CSUN President Dianne Harrison and Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. William Watkins. This presentation was a poster presentation. For this event, I made a trifold poster summing up my project.   Before the event, I was extremely nervous. This was my final event for the Presidential Scholarship and it was for the president of my school. However, I had nothing to be nervous about. The event was a joy. I had such an amazing time presenting my project. It was so much fun explaining my work to other people and to see their genuine interest. I had spent so many hours working on this project that it was rewarding to share my work with the CSUN president, scholars, and faculty.    
2017-2018 CSUN Presidential Scholars: Daniel Del Cid, Jonathan Lengkong, Will Brooks, Gissel Rochin, Natalie Rankin
  Being part of this community of scholars has been a reward unto itself. The event was even more enjoyable that I was presenting alongside my colleagues. It felt more like a group of friends presenting rather than competitors or strangers. All the fears and nerves about not belonging to this group were entirely gone. All too often, I hold an unfair view of myself. Even when I succeed, I still doubt myself and my accomplishments. This event was an opportunity to show off my work and to be proud of the things I have accomplished. Also, the Presidential Scholarship has been a tremendous amount of work and I am relieved that the stress and pressure has been lifted.

The End…Kind Of

  On Friday, May 18th, I walked across the stage to shake CSUN President Dianne Harrison’s hand and receive my diploma. After four years of work, I finally finished my undergraduate degree. Although I just started writing this blog for the presidential scholarship, my journey had started much before this year. These last four years have challenged and tested me, but they have also taught me so much and I have been given so many opportunities to create and explore. The Presidential Scholarship was an incredible opportunity. I built a program involving over 50 people and allowed more people to experience classical music.   Through this project, I have gotten to work with so many incredible people. I want to take this time to thank everyone. First, I want to my mentors Dr. Anthony Cantrell and Dr. Deanna Murray. You both have been so supportive, and I could to have done this project without you. Dr. Murray, I have grown so much as a singer studying under you. I am so glad to have worked with you on this project! Dr. Cantrell, thank you so much for taking time out of your work at the Soraya to help me. I could not have done it without your support and guidance!   To all the CSUN pedagogy students, you are awesome! You all threw yourself into this project! You made such an impact on the high school students! You dealt with crazy schedules and lesson times. But most of all, you gave back to our community and allowed young people to experience this crazy world of classical music! I hope you gained knowledge and experience that you can use in your career!   To Thomas Macias, thank you so much for your incredible work on the video. You managed to capture my vision. The schedule, locations, and variability were a little bit out of control, but you showed up and produced something amazing! If you ever need a reference, I will always recommend you! I wish you success in your final year at CSUN and in your career! By the way, if you are reading this and haven’t watched the Presidential Scholarship Video, please do! It is AWESOME!   To Stephanie Davis and Green Room Studios, thank you for donating studio space to the project! Stephanie Davis was my first voice teacher and advised me to go to CSUN. I am so thankful for her guidance and advice! CSUN was absolutely the right place for me!   To Lighthouse Christian Academy and Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences, it was a pleasure to work with you all. Every high school student was a pleasure to have participate in the project. I am so glad the project was successful and that you all enjoyed the singing lessons. I also want to thank both Lisa Tatlock and Christina Tyni for their support of the project. Christina, thank you for staying long hours to make sure the students could have their lessons. You are a hero! Thank you for making the arts a reality for so many students!   As I wrap up both my project and time at CSUN, I want to thank my parents. You have seen me at my best and worst. You never doubted me for a second. It means so much to me that I know you will be in the audience supporting me, whether I am in the chorus or singing a solo recital. I could not have accomplished these last four years without you!   My next chapter is unwritten. I have discovered so many avenues I could travel down in my career. I just have to pick a direction. I am looking forward to working, learning, traveling, exploring, and discovering in the next years of my life. College has been a wonderful time, but it is time to move on. I am thankful for this final year in college and accomplishing the presidential scholarship.   Until next time, William Brooks (College Graduate)

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